onsdag 23 januari 2019

Background gym history & The love for MMA

                                                        In my beginnings

Long time since, and thought of giveing a update here today on what's new.
First off i thought i'd give you guys a breafly intruduction about me. When and how i eventually  came in contact with gym training?

Started around 5 years ago since started working out more actively,not just for gaining mucles and getting in better shape. But I also used it as a somecall of terapi ,and since struggeling with unhealthy lifestyle choices. Back then it were the young teenage years with alot of parties with sleepless nights and alcahol and sometimes even narcotics were in the picture. After a while by reliezing that this were not the life for me, I started go alot more freaquenlty to the gym. And by that time i first heard about the 21/90 rule witch helped gaining a whole new perspective of life in general. With that beeing said , I belive in by changeing the way of you're thinking and by chooseing to eat from a more healthbased diat plan can give a tremendous good impact in to you're life.

                                     Mix martial arts ( the ultimate fighting sport)

As a person i'm that kind witch likes to take it to the extreme, so you can guess MMA and me klicked like the redwine in the black angus peppersouse.  Before even started training i was fascinated by the sport. To follow and see who's the guy with the strength in the ring,who's got most gnarley kicks is always fun to watch. Finally, the day that seemed like takeing forever, getting back to the ring, after 2 years of paus. Thrilled by takeing up the sport again, and will promies here to show you guys techniques on how to do diffrent types of Kicks/jabs etc.

That's all for tonight & Peace out


lördag 12 januari 2019

First time for everything.

                        Come to my conclusion to change my ways regarding Fitness

Hi there!  Young chap here named David about to talk diffrent types/ trends of fitness&training. What wouldn't be better by trying to start a blogg about it?
Haven't ever had a blogg before, and haven't really planned on doing it either until i thought of changing "the old rutines".Instead here Am going to talk about how you'll get that leaner flexibility body with out them regular exericises often seeing in gyms.