måndag 25 mars 2019

Billy the client

Unique about billy

One of the things i remember by training with billy the client he is a hard driven person for example when entering the gym and he forgot hes clothes at home. He didn't really hesitate, not even for once about facing the 3 km long walk back from gym – home and back to gym again just to get his shoes and shorts he forgotten for our training.And for the people who don't know him hes that kinda guy who always brings up the mood within others in the gym.

First time i met him, is over a year ago now . Back then recently just landed home from a couple of weeks of traveling and only thing going through my mind hence, where will i find a new place to train. Went to meet a friend at a cafe talked and later went to the closest & cheapest gym to steam off some blows at the new gym since it was the only affordable one in my price range after the travels.

Started with the regular 15 min electronic bicycle, and next to me it was this Somalian guy started asking questions like “ Where u from” , “Why you choose this gym “? Was flattered of the question and told him i was pursuing to become fitness trainer and i just needed finding me gym somewhere close in hand. That day we ended up doing the whole session together.

After a couple of sessions ahead the relationship grew he asked me for guidance in training him , since he was kinda new to the sport and hadn't been active for longer then a couple of weeks so i replied "I can train you on a personal level" since for me long ago i had the goal to get the chance to build up a person to the best version he can possible be. He accepted and told me he wanted to lose body fat as well as gaining muscles. So he was given a 6 week hypertrophy program, and our goal was to lose a couple of kilos.


Here we have our billy on a Six week training program. Looking back at it i can say i'm really proud of the boy's achievements and hes stone hard work ethics.

-Lost 5,5 percent body fat
-Lost 4,5 kilo weight
  • In the same time gained a more stabilized muscle structure
  • Leaner waist-line

It might look easy but for those whose current aiming to lose fat or lost a lot of weight in their life before probably know it's not.You need to train consistently and nevertheless train both hard and smart. We did not only succeed the goal we had put up, we made it to it's total utility.

This what i received at he end of the year. All in all it's not easily described. It opened up everything on a broader perspective , it made me stop questioning why i put in all the hard work for my clients. All of it started make a lot of sense. The hardship we earlier had stumble through to get to where we were instantly vanish. And the love for my work grew more then i possibly could have known.

Worth of mentioning is that i' ve noticed we're getting even more readers here on my blogg witch leads me wanting to be more active, show a little more things of what i do for you guys. I don't know if that was subconsciously part of the reason on how i ended up on Photoshop course for the first time last week. Surprisingly as it may sound it was actually reallly fun but still have a lot to learn.

Here at the time of the writing in a cabin in the middle of the woods of Hankmo, actually on a camp organized from my work. We're a large group of volunteers and war veterans. We' ll be staying here for 3 more days,and i hope to find the time to give you update after on how the trip went. And another good news is that I get some cool friends from Chile to host this week on Svenskfinland 
 biggest student-event known as Pampas national day.

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